Let's Be Real (2020–2021)
Please its comedy dont read any more then that into it
21 June 2021
Im sorry but its not left leaning or right leaning it skewers both now if you think Biden is the greatest thing since sliced bread you will be unhappy same if you think Trump is the second coming you will feel the same and write silly reviews. Ill call out left leaning comedy and one sided shows or virtue signaling for its sake but this isnt it Give it time and watch it alot of the humor is in the dialogue its not physical comedy even though they use puppets. Now some skits are hit and miss thats why the 8 stars but im guessing alot of people didnt get the humor as alot of it is political and dry humor Reminds me alot of shows like Veep or British humor if your not paying attention you will miss the joke because you have to think about it and be up to date on current events. Give it a chance watch first two then go back and watch again after a week.
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