This is a Phillipino ghost thriller that queries the truthfulness of a young man called Ken. He insists that he has lost two friends through the sinister machinations of the quaint red house which everybody else thinks is a myth. His friend Grace had been haunted by a little girl who had led her to this mythical place. There are some good ghostly scenes in this that doesn't resort to repetitive jump-scares like this type of film frequently does. Some of the scenes are darkly-lit but not to the extent where you can't see what's going on. It starts slow and then draws you in through a good early middle section. Particularly fascinating is when Grace envisions the red house behind a door in the school corridor. I think this film will appeal to older teens and others who like films about ghosts and curses. I enjoyed it and would say that it just edges into the 7/10 rating for my taste. The ending is good as it leaves you wondering. Also there is a good revelation why the little girl's doll is headless.