Rafferty says at one point that he joined the U.S. Marines . . .
13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "straight out of high school," so he's unable to appreciate the male-centered culture taught by the Nit. Lions in his native Pennsylvania and by the Wolverines at the nearby U of Michigan. The expression "He was a real man's man" was invented at schools like these, where no one would give a bear coed a second glance even if she was smoked like a brick ship house. As Beau's stepson recalled this week, "When the going gets rough, the doc says 'cough.'" The two dusty twins here cause Rafferty all sorts of grief, and this poor Jar Head lacks the collegiate background necessary to remain oblivious to the wicked wenches' wiles. Viewers know that "Gunny" is cruising for a bruising when he adopts a 15-year-old misanthrope from the New Orleans nunnery. Bomb voyage!
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