Trese (2021)
Intriguing yet filled of technical shortcomings
15 June 2021
As other reviewers have said, the artsyle is highly reminiscent of DC animated projects. For a story that "Trese" has, the artsyle fits like a glove. Character designs are unique and captures the eeriness of the supernatural beings. Casting a female lead instead of the stereotypical male "bridge-between-two-worlds" lead was an excellent move.

Excellent vocal performance, including the Japanese dub. The Filipino dub however, particulary that of Alexandra's, leaves much to be desired.

"Trese" suffers greatly from flaws that bring the animation's quality down. To name a few, these are the abundant presence of plot holes, filler scenes, unexplained events and devices that the show expects the viewers would have prior knowledge about, unnecessary scenic shots, and "info-dumps"

A cookie-cutter style of storytelling with a rushed plot development hampers the potential "Trese" could have reached.

Comprehensively, "Trese" is a show that would keep you entertained throughout; provided that you would be viewing it at a superficial level to ignore its faults. It has a generic concept that was made interesting by its setting and characters. Nonetheless, I am optimistic that if a second season was to be made, it would fix its preceding deficiencies and deliver an excellent show than its predecessor.
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