I can only chime in with a prevailing opinion here that each season dropped in quality. Season 1 was pure, polished gold. Loved it! Lively, exciting, warmly funny, alarming medical moments-all making a marvellous piece of jewellry.
Then down to gleaming silver, bronze, tin, and the final season is digging thru rusted scrap.
It is disquieting how the show winks and smiles at drugs. The characters drink, snort, smoke, and ingest all manner of intoxicants just for a lark. Other than a comedic hangover, it's all "merry fun".
One gnawing example of shoddy writing is the fate of Floyd. Penny's beloved jewel of a son was "off at boarding school" in a quick comment during Season 4. Season 5, Penny's effort at reinventing herself apparently means she sold Floyd for scientific experimentation.
Then down to gleaming silver, bronze, tin, and the final season is digging thru rusted scrap.
It is disquieting how the show winks and smiles at drugs. The characters drink, snort, smoke, and ingest all manner of intoxicants just for a lark. Other than a comedic hangover, it's all "merry fun".
One gnawing example of shoddy writing is the fate of Floyd. Penny's beloved jewel of a son was "off at boarding school" in a quick comment during Season 4. Season 5, Penny's effort at reinventing herself apparently means she sold Floyd for scientific experimentation.