The Protector (2018–2020)
It was good for a while, but...
20 July 2021
I liked season 1, it was original and different. I liked the characters, and the story. I enjoyed watching it and was usually staying up later than I should binge watching this show.

Then there was the end of season 1, where the bad decisions started being made. Let's let the bad guy live, let's make deals, blah, blah, blah. Ok, so they wanted to set up something for season 2. Fair enough, but they should have just let the show end after season 1. Kill the bad guy, end the show. Good stuff.

But no.... Then there was season 2. Bad decision after bad decision, bad plot twists and bad story in general. Don't drink and write. Ok?

Season 3 didn't get much better. I spent most of my time questioning why I was still watching this show. I zoned out somewhere in the last episode several times and ended up watching it over 3 days. Oh he screwed everything up and lost? What a shock.

So now there's season 4. I guess there had to be one, since Hakan is such a moron that he just couldn't keep his ego in check, and make some smart decisions. He lost in the present, now he's going to fight in the past. Good luck buddy. Not sure I can bring myself to watch another season.
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