Pun somewhat intended. With black and white photography you could do a lot with shadows and other things of that nature. There were shades of things and you had to experiment with the lighting ... if you add a character drama to that mix, you can work with that too and really bring forth certain issues or traits you want to .... well highlight.
In this case it is about desire, dreams and love (self and otherwise). Unlike more recent especially teenage orientated stories, where a girl had to choose between two males, this has two women in ... "contest" over one man. But just boiling it down to that would not be fair. Especially considering on the note this ends on. If you are into character development and things between the lines, you will probably really like this ... an oddity I reckon of sorts. But a very good one.
In this case it is about desire, dreams and love (self and otherwise). Unlike more recent especially teenage orientated stories, where a girl had to choose between two males, this has two women in ... "contest" over one man. But just boiling it down to that would not be fair. Especially considering on the note this ends on. If you are into character development and things between the lines, you will probably really like this ... an oddity I reckon of sorts. But a very good one.