High Treason (1951)
18 August 2021
Exciting, Constantly On-the-Move.

This Overlooked Early-50's British Cold-War Thriller Never Lulls.

Introducing a Multitude of Characters, Spys, Counter-Intelligence Officers, and Every-Day Folks Caught in the Middle.

It's a Multifaceted Sabotage Plot.

The Fast-Paced Film is Well Acted and Shot.

With a Plethora of Outdoor Scenes, Close-Knit Indoor Meetings of the Plotters and Counter-Plotters.

An Intelligent Script Accompanies the Mystery and Intrigue.

The Movie is a Sequel, Made by the Same Production Team that did..."Seven Days to Noon" (1950).

The Director's Production Team-Mate and Brother, John Bolton, Did one of the Best British Film-Noirs, "Brighton Rock" (1948).

This is a Crackling "Communist" Infiltration Movie.

Although, Communist, Reds, of Soviet-Union is Never Explicitly Stated.

Only its Philosophy and Politics.

Cold-War Movies from the Early 50's, a Heart-Beat Away Joe McCarthy and All, Doesn't Get Much Better.

The Conclusion in the Industrial Sector Doesn't Hold Back on Thrills and Spares No Expense in its Verisimilitude.

Breathtaking, and a Must-See.
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