How did she get a show?!
Can Tarik Davis be the host instead? He at least has humor, wit, charisma and comedic timing, all things that Amber Ruffin lacks. Maybe if she says her lines with an even bigger toothy smile they'll be funny.... Nope, didn't work. Evert time she opens her mouth it's just cringy and off-putting. I tried watching a few episodes but end up changing the channel, actually feeling bad for her while thinking "no girl, please stop"
Can Tarik Davis be the host instead? He at least has humor, wit, charisma and comedic timing, all things that Amber Ruffin lacks. Maybe if she says her lines with an even bigger toothy smile they'll be funny.... Nope, didn't work. Evert time she opens her mouth it's just cringy and off-putting. I tried watching a few episodes but end up changing the channel, actually feeling bad for her while thinking "no girl, please stop"