Review of Respect

Respect (2021)
Done before and better
14 August 2021
A biopic about Aretha Franklin and her journey to find her voice.

Honestly I was not excited much for this movie, and only watched it because of the T-Mobile Tuesday ticket discount. The plot of the movie was done many many times before. We have a character reached their highest, then lowest, and then redeeming themselves. Recent movies like Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody had this plot and were executed better.

The best part of this movie was the lead actress Jennifer Hudson, who had an amazingly powerful voice. This made all of the songs in the movie enjoyable and empowering to hear.

Talking more about the plot, towards the end, for some reason the pace sped up too quickly. I only know that she had reached her best and worst, but I didn't know exactly why she got to those points. It felt like out of nowhere she just reached her lowest point. Also, even though the first hour or so set up Aretha's struggle pretty well, there were still some parts that moved too fast and became disorientating.

Overall, a plot that I have seen before, but wasn't executed as well as it could. 6.5/10.
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