Hungry Wives (1972)
Like Magic...
15 September 2021
Director George A. Romero is a smart guy. His movies usually have a lot more going on in them than what appears on the surface.

SEASON OF THE WITCH is about a bored, disillusioned "housewife" who dabbles in witchcraft. It's also a study of the cataclysmic changes underway in the late 1960's and early 70's. It was a time when the more puritanical structure of the 1950's was collapsing under the weight of personal and social experimentation / freedom.

Jan White's character is willing to accept new -actually, very old- ideas and a liberating lifestyle that will drive her emotionally-absent husband nuts. That is, if he even notices!

This movie explores the sexual revolution, female awakening, and several other topics of its era. Witchcraft has always been a perfect metaphor for female power, causing terror in those who would much rather keep it buried. Too late. The spell is cast...
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