A film filled with 1001 awkward moments.
17 September 2021
Peter (Paul Rudd) is engaged to Zooey (Rashida Jones) and he suddenly realizes he doesn't have any close friends...no one who could be his best man. So, he goes about trying to meet more guys and develop friendships...but mostly very unsuccessfully. However, one new guy he seems to hit it off with is Sydney (Jason Segel)...a strange guy who definitely walks to his own drummer. But because Sydney is such an odd guy and Peter is spending so much time with him, it also causes complications. What type and how do they all get worked out? See the film and find out for yourself.

I really enjoyed this film but can pretty much guarantee many won't...such as my wife. This is because the film is filled with many awkward moments....scenes that make your skin crawl a bit. I actually LIKE that sort of humor...but it's certainly not for everyone.
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