Batman: Hush (2019 Video)
18 September 2021
First I'm going to say that I have read the Batman: Hush comic and really like it. So, after seeing the animated movie I thought it was just ok.

(I'll try not to spoil anything major about the comic or movie just in case someone hasn't read the comic or hasn't seen the movie.)

Also there were many scenes that were added in or changed making me notice it more and comparing it to the comic.

But when I saw the scenes play out just like in the comic I found them awesome to see. Batman and Catwoman's relationship is well done like the comic and Bruce's friendship with Thomas Elliot was also nice seeing but it wasn't built up that much.

I liked how similar to the comic Hush looked and how he sounded but I hate that they changed who Hush's real identity is from the comic.

I recommend reading the Batman: Hush comic, I think the comic is better than the movie.
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