Review of Skyfire

Skyfire (2019)
Jurassic World and Dante's Peak had a baby
21 September 2021
Here's The Lowedown on "Skyfire" (NR - 2019 - Blu)

Genre: Thriller/Disaster My Score: 5.4

Cast=4 Acting=4 Plot=5 Ending=7 Story=4 Intense=7 Pace=6 Suspense=4 Disaster=8 F/X=5

A seemingly dormant volcanic island becomes the site of a resort, using the energy of the mountain to power everything. But what would happen if this woke up the volcano?

"I'm not leaving this island...until we're done." It was like Jurassic World and Dante's Peak had a baby that tried to coast on its genetics. As a disaster movie junkie, there were parts I liked. Look for some cheesy CGI and bad acting, but then you get some crazy stunts that may keep you going for another few minutes. It's not a horrible watch...but it's not worth hunting for.
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