Wife Swap (2004–2020)
Thou Shall not commit adultery
29 September 2021
Reality TV.

00's was the beginning of the end of TV because reality TV were gradually showing up and occupying people's minds with garbage that was never 100% accurate. Reality is supposed to be 100% accurate, although people insist on remaining fool'd by the concept of reality TV. I ask what do they gain from it?

Wife Swap another manipulative program was about people swapping their wives for another wife. Literally. You had the annoying wife, the Christ freak wife, the authoritarian wife just to keep people watching. Wife Swap was pretty popular in the 00's for a while only because of the fat Christ Freak wife who freaked out because the house was unChrist-like. I think that's the episode that really made Wife Swap popular.

Wife Swap is just another garbage reality TV show. I was only a teen at the time and I could easily tell which shows were garbage, yet grown adults were unable to differentiate. Shows intelligence isn't about getting a Diploma, getting a Masters or having children. Intelligence is about knowing wrong from right, seeing the smallest picture and having self-control.
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