Stolen Daughter (2015 TV Movie)
There Is Nothing To See Here
15 October 2021
I found this movie very boring and unoriginal .

From the beginning we are told the whole backstory of the woman who goes on to kidnap the police detective's daughter .

There is nothing much to figure out here . The female detective , who is suffering from PTSD and just returning to work following a shooting incident while on a case , a fellow detective who is hungry to take over the her job , and thats about it.

Also, I found it a bit odd that the female detective in one scene , while having a cup of coffee with her collegue , was casually displaying her gun on her hip holster in a public park , Do they do that ? Or maybe she just thought it looked good !

The whole movie just did'nt work for me , monotonous and very predictable .

I did'nt really see the point of the whole story .
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