I was looking forward to watching this. But as another reviewer said, it started out great then became uninteresting halfway in. I am not a republican, I'm definitely more liberal than anything. However, I too am tired of everything in the media having a far left view. This documentary wasn't any different. The experts were all so similar it became monotonous. I enjoy hearing different opinions, but unfortunately, no one is allowed to disagree anymore. No one is allowed to grow and learn from their mistakes, or even make mistakes in the first place. Once someone makes a remark that isn't liberal, they are unjustly punished by strangers and sometimes public figures on the internet. I was hoping we would hear more from the people who were unfairly cancelled and less repetitive points of view from the experts. I felt sympathy for the people who actually went through mass shaming online, and would have preferred to hear from more of them. There's plenty of them out there, our online society has become deplorable. Everyone is so angry and defensive, I wish they had tapped more into that aspect of it. There were some informative moments, but the rest was too dull to save it. This topic needs more than an hour and a half, it should have been a doc-series with more experts who have different thoughts and more interesting research and facts on the topic. They missed a great opportunity with this one.