Hidden 90's gem
24 October 2021
I saw this in the theatre when it came out and loved it then, still enjoy now after all these years. It is like a Lethal Weapon but for prisoners on a deserted island. It is not Oscar worthy, but it is still enjoyable to watch if you can find it.

I have not been able to find this one for years, pretty much since Blockbuster went belly up back in the day. If you are in the mood for a decent action flick you can veg out to, you can't go wrong.

As another review mentioned, there is some intense irony in the fact he is charged with murdering his commanding officer for ordering him to kill innocent civilians, in Benghazi, Lybia...in 2011! Being a veteran myself, I can imagine vigilante thoughts have gone through many heads over the real Benghazi...alas, that would be wrong...but it is not illegal to think it! (Snowflake disclaimer: Please, do not get any ideas I advocate vigilantism or murder, I do not).
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