Kaidan (2007) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a wandering man who was orphaned as a child when his parents were killed by a samurai who owed them money. The young man now sells tobacco on the streets and one day falls in love with a brothel owner. He tries to leave her when he realizes their relationship is bad for her business. He discover leaving her is going to be harder than it appears, especially after an unfortunate accident. This movie is directed by Hideo Nakata (Dark Water and Ringu 1 & 2) and stars Kumiko Asô (Pulse), Leona Hirota (Endless Waltz), Hitomi Kuroki (Dark Water) and Kikunosuke Onoe (47 Ronin). This movie is entertaining from beginning to end. They do a fantastic job setting up the storyline and delivering the backstory of the family and lake. This movie has great character development and delivery of both the main and side characters. The writing is excellent displaying how a lack of malice and intention can lead to absolute malice nonetheless. The circumstances are interesting and unpredictable and the horror elements are a slow build but once they get going are very good. I loved the ghost elements and the conclusion was outstanding. This is a very well written and well done movie that is definitely worth your time. I'd score this an 8.5/10 and strongly recommend it.