Sunk cost. Forced myself to sit through this entire movie after my husband fell asleep during first hour. The pacing was sooooo slow. Kept thinking it HAS to get better and surely the Werewolf will be cool. I LAUGHED so loudly when the baby werewolf finally appeared that I woke up my husband. He left the room when he saw how ridiculous the CGI was. Not sure what direction the Director was trying to go. Soap novella, study on classism, love story, horror, musical. Really, why were there musical interludes inserted at random? Maybe those who like artsy movies will enjoy this, but if you're looking for a scary Werewolf movie, take a pass on this one. Snooze fest.
Review of Good Manners
Good Manners
Most drawn out, boring Werewolf movie of all time
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers