They say they are supposed to be using sodium pentemax, which is made up its sodium pentethol that is used as a truth drug is what would make you behave like they do. The main character mentions he is using sodium pentemax a truth drug around 51 mins into the film. Sodium pentathol has been used as a truth drug for decades. I hope this helps the guy asking what drug they were using, don't mean to offend but it was the main premise of the film and if you missed that then you wasn't listening or watching the film properly so you probably shouldn't rate it in the first place, OK film think I'm just sick of the relentless low budget films released this year because of covid, they postponed a lot of films because of covid but in the 2 years since it all started there has been endless films based around covid or a ficticous virus, like they knew about trhe pandemic before it happened, most films take years of planning before filming yet a covid related film was released every few months on average during the pandemic???? Yet were still waiting for films like the new Dr strange movie that's been completed just not released!