The WORST movie of 2021, no contest.
17 December 2021
This film was so horrendous in every way, it was like watching a bad student project. You want to laugh at it, but you can't believe people actually thought that this was good enough to release as an actual film. Everything about it was porn levels of bad, from the acting to the action. I started to think it was a vanity project by some lame feminist lesbians, but then why would they make such a atrociously bad film? I mean, this is just on a whole other level of travesty. We're talking Battlefield Earth levels of trash.

I don't even know what else to say. Does it even deserve anything else being said about it? The acting was trash, the directing was trash, the script tried to be funny but ended up being trash. I mean, the scariest part about the movie was the fact that all of the things they said about Epstein and his cabal of high profile satanic deviants is true. All of it. There is no "conspiracy theory". It's all truth and the quicker people realize just how demented it all is, the quicker we start to weed out the sickos that run the world.

In the end, the movie sucked but it had to be made. Will it be taken seriously by those who'd rather not know about any of it? Of course not. But people who are aware will appreciate just how truly twisted real life is and no movie could ever match that.
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