Always been a Tim Burton fan was hooked after his directing of "Batman"(89) and "Batman Returns"(92) and this entry from 1996 "Mars Attack" even though not his greatest is a carefree and fun little watch. As if your a fan of Burton's and like old comics and sci- fi then this wacky homage is enjoyable as from up above all across the galaxy call them aliens, Martians, or little green men these guys have invaded earth from the angry red hot Mars planet! These creatures also are about mean business as they are armed with gun rays that fry any human in their path. The special effects are pretty decent for 1996 and the humor and writing was funny and spot on. The Slim like green brain Martians have even outsmarted the U. S. federal government(2 out of 3 branches of the government are working for us and that ain't bad!). The acting and cast chemistry is top notch with all pros and all stars with Annette Bening, Glenn Close, Danny DeVito, Michael J. Fox, Martin Short, Tom Jones, Natalie Portman, Jim Brown and an eye candy treat with Sarah Jessica Parker(before her "Sex and the City" days) as a sexy colored bra wearing news reporter and interviewer. And last but not least the great and all time best Jack Nicholson as you guessed it the President of the United States! Overall funny watch and carefree feel good sci-fi comedy that doesn't take things or it's self to serious. Still a view for any Burton fan as the all star cast help make the film a watch too.
Review of Mars Attacks!
Mars Attacks!
Wacky, far out crazy funny film that pays homage to 50's sci-fi.
19 December 2021