Baptiste (2019–2021)
Season ONE 8 stars and worth the watch, Season Two 1 STAR!
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
::SPOILERS:: Season 1 8 stars self contained great show...

Season 2 1 STAR!

I have a rule If I give you loyalty and come back for a future season and you ruin it 1 STAR and I will go out of my way to call you on it.

Even without getting into the politics, we lost the character Baptiste he's gone... the show is dark, the ambassador is all feels all the time, not that I blame her its the way its written and its about the loss of her family.. so there is nothing but grief and anger in the show. No lightness ever to the characters. Add to it a tactic I personally hate.. going back and forward in time. Not sure if its different writers but it sure does not feel like the same show. IT also felt like part of why they went the direction they did was to save money.. lets have him loose his daughters (so we don't need a kid or a husbands long) and lets have him get a divorce.. that saved us a few dollars on needles extras. Too bad those characters gave Baptiste a ground and hope.
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