Review of The Fire

The Fire (2015)
The powerful performances save an insufficient script
1 December 2021
El Incendio (The Fire) is a sneak peek into the lives of a hostile couple who are going through life changing experience and are required to reevaluate their relationship, thanks to their own troubled lives.

The above description is enough to plot out the film but if one chooses to watch the film can clearly see that there are times when the script tried to achieve so much more than just this and fails. The film tried to blend a wholesome narrative of new-generation love and their challenges while setting it up in a slice of the life timeframe. Alas because of limited support from the script it doesn't work.

With little to none character development we end up with long drawn emotional exchange spree that only prompts you to ask questions whose answers are not provided. Like in a scene the lead pair complain to each other that they hate each other. The audience with no resource to either confirm or deny or make any opinion is just a mere spectator of what can be described as a car-wreck of a relationship. With fundamental questions like how do they reach there unanswered.

The only saving grace for the film is the committed performances of the lead pair. Albeit sometimes emotionally exhausting to root for any one we can understand the emotional pain that each character is going through. That's clearly something.
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