Gotham City Impostors (2012 Video Game)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
20 January 2022
Someone tell me why I spent nearly 3 years on this game? Did it deserve that much of my time? (although I played it on and off). Probably not, but it was loads of fun, and it was during a time in my life when I was a huge gamer, and would spend countless hours on online games trying to get OP, or just going for achievements/trophies. Nerdy ass kid I was. Probably still am, but I wouldn't dare waste another year of my life to story-less online games.

I'll leave the review saying something good because even though in retrospect I think it was a huge waste of time, it gave me lots of joy. The gameplay was fun, especially when you had the Batwings equipped. I also was oddly good at this game, so pwning these fools was another plus. I'll always miss playing these maps tho; some really good times, but on to bigger and better things.
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