Not What It Was Promoted As
25 January 2022
I decided to watch this because I've become fascinated with the serial killers that were active in the 70s and 80s. I enjoyed the documentary series about the Night Stalker on Netflix and thought this would be similar...it was not.

The information about the murders and how they finally caught the serial killer would've only filled one episode (if they were lucky). The majority of this limited series was actually about the sex business in Times Square in the 70s and 80s. There were a lot of explicit photos and videos that had absolutely nothing to do with the murders. Sure, some of the victims were sex workers and sure, the serial killer did find some of his victims in Times Square. However, the connection they gave between the murders and the sex businesses in Times Square was extremely tenuous at best and non-existent at worst.

Honestly, this should've been two different series: one about the history of the sex business in Times Square and one about the serial killer and his victims. It was very disappointing to find the information of the serial killer was randomly peppered into this story about pornography in NYC.

If you're looking for a good true crime series about a serial killer, this isn't it.
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