Flocken (2015)
The Hunt on reverse
30 December 2021
Have you seen the Danish movie starring Madds Mikkelsen and called THE HUNT? THis movie I comment now is some where the same scheme but on reverse. It is not question of an innocent man falsely accused of rape, and then ostracized by his folks, but a young woman raped and also ostrasized, and more, by hers.... Also a Scandinavian movie and inspired by actual events. As the other comment said, the interesting here is the scheme of the different point of views from the characters. It's not RASHOMON either, not its remake THE OUTRAGE, but it remains very interesting. Characters are overwhelming, especially the young woman , seeking refuge towards her horse.... This is a painful, disturbing, poignant film and not for all audiences, not for the sissies, though there are not bloody scenes; and that's precisely why it is so nasty in the meaning. Nothing artificial but on the contrary powerful at the most. I have already seen some Scandinavian movies more or less on the same topic, including the awesome THE HUNT of course. Bad characters are not always shown as ugly, and the good ones are not always depicted as so good either...Not the ending that most audiences would have expected but a good one though.
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