It's hard to break down what makes the silliness of a Spencer & Hill movie fun but here's a try.
They have a charming nonsensical nature.
They have a vaudevillian physical comedy, a la the three stooges. They are able to capture the humor in other people's misery; the more frustrated the antagonists or protagonists become the more amused the audience is.
The love/hate buddy relationship Spence and Hill have perfected.
The plots are thin and transparent as cellophane but it's not about story it's about watching 2 grown men act as silly as possible. Certainly the production values are dated in an era where gross out comedies and family angst comedies rule supreme...but this particular film has some great sequences with motorcycle jousting, a gym fight and a ballroom brawl in a balloon pit... that's right a balloon pit. If you've never seen a Spencer/Hill and wanna give one a try then you should come 'n take a ride in this buggy.
They have a charming nonsensical nature.
They have a vaudevillian physical comedy, a la the three stooges. They are able to capture the humor in other people's misery; the more frustrated the antagonists or protagonists become the more amused the audience is.
The love/hate buddy relationship Spence and Hill have perfected.
The plots are thin and transparent as cellophane but it's not about story it's about watching 2 grown men act as silly as possible. Certainly the production values are dated in an era where gross out comedies and family angst comedies rule supreme...but this particular film has some great sequences with motorcycle jousting, a gym fight and a ballroom brawl in a balloon pit... that's right a balloon pit. If you've never seen a Spencer/Hill and wanna give one a try then you should come 'n take a ride in this buggy.