Black Widows (2016)
A slow-paced revenge movie...
15 February 2022
When I read the synopsis for the 2016 comedy "Black Widows", I must admit that I was definitely intrigued, and it sounded like "Black Widows" from writer Jordan Elizabeth and director Venita Ozols-Graham could be a very enjoyable movie.

And now just having seen the movie, I must admit that I perhaps did have my hopes and expectations up a tad too much for this movie. Sure, "Black Widows" was watchable, but it was ultimately a rather generic and rather forgetable movie actually.

The storyline was sort of bland. The concept of the movie was good and there was a lot of potential, I will say that much. But the pacing of the narrative was just soul-suckingly slow and there wasn't really a whole lot of interesting things going on throughout the course of the movie. And that was ultimately a drainer to the overall experience of the movie.

The acting performances in the movie were good. And while I am not familiar with lead actresses Brigitte Graham, Megan Messmer and Brandy Redd, then I will say that they put on good performances and carried the movie quite well.

"Black Widows" didn't impress me, and this is not really a movie that I would recommend you rush out to get to watch. And for me, this movie was the type of movie that you watch once and never again.

My rating of "Black Widows" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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