The National Tree (2009 TV Movie)
More social media propaganda than an adventure and bonding movie
17 February 2022
"The National Tree" is a holiday film with an interesting idea for a plot, but it has too many downsides. How much it followed the book it was based on, I don't know. That is a fictional 2001 novel of the same title by David Kranes. The main characters are the same as in the book, Corey and Rock Burdock. But they live in northern California, not Oregon. The tree wasn't picked in a competition that Rock entered. In the book, his dad, but Corey offered it. And, the president of the U. S. calls Corey to accept his offer of a Sitka Spruce. Rock's mom didn't die when he was a baby, but she just up and left them then. And the heart of their cross-country trip to deliver the tree is a strong bonding of father and son in the book.

So, with those changes, one wonders if the whole theme was changed in the movie, with characters added. The film was all shot in Ontario, Canada. That may explain why the change of the Burdock's tree farm California to Oregon. Since the theme is built around the cross-country trip, they try to put film segments in that have scenery that closely resembles what would be seen on a road trip from west central Oregon to Washington, DC. And, the film is fairly close - I have driven this half a dozen times from Oregon to the Midwest, and about the same number of times from the Midwest to Washington, D. C. A map scene shows that they cross Oregon in the middle, which would be through Bend and then on U. S. 20 to Ontario, Oregon, and I-84 at the Idaho border. Then I-84 across Idaho to I-80 in Utah. But they would have been hard pressed to find in eastern Canada scenery that resembles the desert country that is seen on a trip across Nevada and Utah (I've done that one three times -- much of my driving comes from years of travel to see and take in the national monuments, historic sites, and natural and scenic wonders.) Anyway, the bonding of the father and son is almost buried in this story which looks more like a propaganda film for the big social media platforms.

Rock's camera shooting, social media posts, and the scenes of the sponsoring company offices with all the media hits, get more attention than the actual road trip scenes. Instead, this would have been much more interesting with the adventure itself, and the scenery and more attention to the dad and son bonding. Instead, Rock is a teenager - like so many portrayed in movies, whose dad doesn't understand him. If his dad has to get on him about being late for work so often, Rock obviously had problems with dependability, habits and personal discipline. And the fact that he had the camera and related equipment for live video feeds, says that he surely wasn't denied anything. He's mostly a very self-centered teen, focused on himself. He shows little respect for his dad. And, that he would help a teen girl stow away under the tarp on an 18-wheeler for a road trip shows how dumb Rock is, with a lack of common sense. The film showed this again when he leaves her out there at night in very cold temperatures.

One doesn't expect films like this to be factual or accurate with most of their details. But when portraying travel anywhere, the plots should try to be as real as possible for the many people who may know areas and see something so out of sorts. While the producers did a fairly good job of implying the route of the cross-country travel, with scenery like what one would see in some of the states, the forest fire that they have to drive through on a detour in Wyoming is notable. It would take something on the order of an earthquake that would demolish miles of I-80 through Wyoming to force a detour that would take traffic through the forest. There is no Highway 32, as in the movie, but there is a Highway 130 that goes through the mountainous area of Medicine Bow National Forest (which I have also driven), which rejoins I-80 at Laramie - 50 miles West of Cheyenne.

One wonders if Hallmark was specifically trying to make this film appealing to teens, with the social media exchanges Rock has with three other people around the globe. That, and the frequent selfies and live video feeds along the way to show the progress of their trip. Also, the teen girlfriend. Then, there's the company representative, Faith, who follows along with planned staged stops for publicity. During this trip, she breaks up with her fiancé, and a couple days later she's fallen for Corey Burdock. That's real love? Especially after most of the time Corey is in a scene, he's frowning and skeptical or grumpy. The film clearly shows him as the 'uncaring" or overly critical father.

All of the silly hoopla at the end, to keep the National Park Service from cutting the tree and put it in a stand, instead of planting it, is pure hoke. My five stars are for the idea from the author's book, and the fairly good shots of the scenery along the way. It did give a sense of following this trip across America.
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