Writer/Director Chris Woods brings us Kill-Cam . I have known Chris Woods for almost a decade. He has been my distributor of my classic SOV movies and also a friend. I have seen him grow as a filmmaker. He is unique and not everyone likes his style but he is legendary and does things his way with no restrictions. His past movies Chaos A. D., Amerikan Holokaust, Make them Die Slowly and the critically acclaimed Family Snapshot to name a few are classics.
His newest Kill-Cam will not disappoint but shows his craft and style while won't disappoint has become so much more fine tuned. His work with the camera is brilliant and the choice of B/W in some scenes only add more to the feel of the insanity unfolding.
The movie is about Samantha Styles (Katie McKinley). A really messed up in the head individual. Growing up she was molested by her demented grandfather. Played by the always crazy and fun (Bob Glazier) and his ventriloquist dummy (Willie). He would terrorize her and make her do hideous things, things that helped her become what she has become. A washed up model and porn star who is now a serial killer. She had potential and was and up and coming photographer. Men always were and issue and always wanted favors for the next step or any progress that was promised.
The torment and terror she was forced to grow up with has made her insane and preys on the homeless and prostitutes to feed her drive of evil inside her. She photographs and films there cruel bloody deaths. But she soon wants more and decides to go after those who wronged her. A past agent Larry Lang (Anthony Wayne) and her former lesbian lover Michelle. Played by the always enjoyable (Cayt Feinics). They will pay in horrific ways. In the mix she also has to deal with and an obsession with a model Pamela Keaton (Xhyvette "Sushii" Holder).
She follows her on Social Media and fantasizes about her. Well her luck of meeting her gets an opportunity. She comes across a post of her talking about a old shot she saw of Samantha and says she used to be a big fan and would love to know whatever happened to her. Acting on that she makes it a goal to get to meet her and possibly photograph her. But will she be able to control the evil that is inside her or will she do what she does to everyone else and slaughter her too.
Lixy Malice Lestat makes a strong debut here and does a tremendous job with the role she portrays. She has one of the most memorable scenes in the movie and really did a great job. She not only plays 2 parts but helped script and do the FX. Her FX are amazing and really displayed beautifully here.
All in all the cast was enjoyable and fun to watch. Chris has hit another home run with this sex and blood drenched entry in his classic films. After seeing his Award winning Family Snapshot I thought that was the end of Chris's horror career or maybe mellowed him out. But glad to say he pulled out the guns on this one and pleased his loyal viewers. After seeing this I know there is no slowing down Chris and his Sleazebox label. I just also want to see this brilliant filmmaker do more movies like Family Snapshot that can play to a wider audience and get him the recognition he deserves.
His newest Kill-Cam will not disappoint but shows his craft and style while won't disappoint has become so much more fine tuned. His work with the camera is brilliant and the choice of B/W in some scenes only add more to the feel of the insanity unfolding.
The movie is about Samantha Styles (Katie McKinley). A really messed up in the head individual. Growing up she was molested by her demented grandfather. Played by the always crazy and fun (Bob Glazier) and his ventriloquist dummy (Willie). He would terrorize her and make her do hideous things, things that helped her become what she has become. A washed up model and porn star who is now a serial killer. She had potential and was and up and coming photographer. Men always were and issue and always wanted favors for the next step or any progress that was promised.
The torment and terror she was forced to grow up with has made her insane and preys on the homeless and prostitutes to feed her drive of evil inside her. She photographs and films there cruel bloody deaths. But she soon wants more and decides to go after those who wronged her. A past agent Larry Lang (Anthony Wayne) and her former lesbian lover Michelle. Played by the always enjoyable (Cayt Feinics). They will pay in horrific ways. In the mix she also has to deal with and an obsession with a model Pamela Keaton (Xhyvette "Sushii" Holder).
She follows her on Social Media and fantasizes about her. Well her luck of meeting her gets an opportunity. She comes across a post of her talking about a old shot she saw of Samantha and says she used to be a big fan and would love to know whatever happened to her. Acting on that she makes it a goal to get to meet her and possibly photograph her. But will she be able to control the evil that is inside her or will she do what she does to everyone else and slaughter her too.
Lixy Malice Lestat makes a strong debut here and does a tremendous job with the role she portrays. She has one of the most memorable scenes in the movie and really did a great job. She not only plays 2 parts but helped script and do the FX. Her FX are amazing and really displayed beautifully here.
All in all the cast was enjoyable and fun to watch. Chris has hit another home run with this sex and blood drenched entry in his classic films. After seeing his Award winning Family Snapshot I thought that was the end of Chris's horror career or maybe mellowed him out. But glad to say he pulled out the guns on this one and pleased his loyal viewers. After seeing this I know there is no slowing down Chris and his Sleazebox label. I just also want to see this brilliant filmmaker do more movies like Family Snapshot that can play to a wider audience and get him the recognition he deserves.