Man I Wish We Could Reply To Reviews On Here
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow...@thorr-3. Grow up... When you "were growing up in Belimia?" First off, that's an eating disorder, not a place. Second, not cool joking about eating disorders.

Ok about this actual movie. It has/had some potential, sadly though I can't remember the last time I watched a movie with such gaping, glaring plot holes in it. I mean these are really bad and at the end of the movie you just have an absurd amount of questions because of these plot holes.

So, terrible writing is the first big strike. So, yeah, towards the end of the movie, yep the end of it, you find out the "dad" isn't the real dad of the girl being possessed, it's some dude named Alexander. Who's Alexander you ask? Great question, let me know when you find out the answer cause I sure as heck don't know and the movie doesn't tell you! Yet this guy plays a HUGE intricate part in the storyline! Not only is he the girls real dad, he's dead, and he apparently battled this demon and destroyed his body according to the demon, and the demon is going after the girl as vengeance against Alexander! Yep! The dead guy who we know nothing about and learn nothing about but his name when it's bomb dropped on us TOWARDS THE END OF THE MOVIE!

Next we have this priest who you get a quick background but he's in the forefront image of in the beginning of the movie and you don't even realize the two points connect until that's right, towards the end of the movie again! Yeah he just pops in like Superman to save the day. You learn nothing about him but he sure as hell knows all about Alexander and who he is. Does he share any of that info with us? Nope. Thanks Father... Yeah and he just dies, apparently it was the only way to vex the demon entirely. Yep, in fact he's the only person to die in the whole movie! A guy that just pops in towards the end that we learn nothing about and have zero time to make any kind of connection to so yeah his death is just blah.

Next issue, movie takes place in the Ukraine apparently and while the majority of it is in English, I know right? Kinda weird, there are multiple parts where they just bust out talking Ukrainian and do we get any of it translated? NOPE! Just get to sit there wondering what the heck they just said to watch other. Oh and apparently the mom is Ukrainian ancestry, dad is 100% American and everyone is Ukrainian and speaks with a heavy heavy accent. Oh and the kid is American born but they moved to Ukraine cause it's such a step up apparently for the family.

Last, the actors did well, the movie was shot well and looks good, not cheap or anything like that, but that's nowhere near enough to even salvage this movie with those horrible plot holes and just terrible lazy writing. This movie is just an all around stinker and can definitely and deservingly be missed.
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