Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is the feature-length prequel to the series. In a world where Curses, evil Spirits created from human emotions run rampage unseen by ordinary human eyes. Were introduced to a disturbed high school named Yuta Okkotsu, who's haunted by his old childhood friend & crush Rika now a powerful Curse. He's then approached by Satoru Gojo High ranking sorcerer and takes him to an academy where he learns to control his powers and help fight against Curses and another sorcerer that mean harm to humanity. Jujutsu Kaisen series in general is a good series it is action-packed and filled with tons of violence and bizarre designs and imagery. So to see something of that magnitude up on the big screen seem very stunning. In general zero is a good introduction to the series while it doesn't do anything inversely as over the top of the series or manga. It eases you into how this world functions you don't need to have read or watched the series to understand what's going on. The Characters all for the most part are likable, with the introduction to some characters who will become far more relevant later in the overall scale of things such as Yuta, Maki, or Panda. Getting bits of what they are about without diving too much into their characters here. Same with Gojo and the Main villain Geto. While the film gives slight hints about their past and friendship. However the fact of the matter is it's not gonna be shown here, you'll have to continue further in the series. So here it just doesn't feel as developed and fleshed out. The pacing is a little rushed it is an introduction to a much bigger picture. Regardless of that aspect, the movie is still stunning to look at much like the demon slayer Mugen train. The animation is so smooth and beautiful and the action is fast and Swift. The soundtrack is really good, and the Curse design is few but good. It's here where the movie shines most. While it could have been paced better, for a beginning to newcomers it is a good movie to start with and worth a watch.