This parody to 70's Grindhouse movies is good. Yes. There are scenes that made a lot of reviewers very uncomfortable, that they were unable to watch the entire film. Those scenes of sexual assault in She Kills, were made with a comedy element. Not like the scenes with the movies "Thriller :A Cruel Picture, AKA They Call Her One Eye, I Spit On Your Grave, Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom and other sexploitation movies that didn't tone down the sexual assaults. Those two movies that I mentioned, those sexual assault scenes were brutal. Here in She Kills, they took a lighter touch and even paid homage to Thriller with the eye patch as well as other exploitation and mainstream movies. The sexual in nature scenes were more of a comedy gross factor, than making the viewers think that this could be an actual assault taking place on film. The filmmakers and the actors are all in on the joke. They know it's a bad movie and they put their all of the worst into it. With double stand-ins, burned film, the dialogs doesn't switch up with the actor's mouths, the use of a dog and a cat being used as weapons for a fight, the use of not to scale models of buildings, roads and cars. There are even scenes with the crew in the shot.
It's a funny film. You have to stay with it. It doesn't go down easy, but you will laugh and groan at the same time.
It's a funny film. You have to stay with it. It doesn't go down easy, but you will laugh and groan at the same time.