A sex comedy of the kitchen sink variety
12 April 2022
I remember me and my friends renting this out back when we were teenagers because the video cover made it look like it was going to be a sexy romp. Imagine our surprise when we sat down to watch it and discovered it had all the sexiness of a John McCririck workout video. In fairness to me and my teenage mates, we actually really liked this one, despite the false advertising. It begins with a disclaimer, pointing out that this is absolutely not the story of the famous British madame, Cynthia Payne. And clearly it isn't seeing as the madame in this one is called Christine Painter - a name not similar in any way whatsoever. So, yeah, despite the disclaimer, this basically IS the story of Cynthia Payne; of how she became a prostitute and set up a happy house which attracted a bunch of elderly men in need of servicing. It was directed by Monty Python's Terry Jones and was even banned in Ireland for two months! Revisiting it all these years later, I would say it isn't massively funny but its still a decent movie, with Julie Walters putting in a good performance as Payne.... I mean Painter.
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