... but absolutely forgetting... no, downrightely pushing away the actual theme: nature and LIFE preserving, including climate change, the way of nutrition the humanity and all the problems of overuse/overstretch the ressources... and so on...
That's pitty, giving away the chance to remember us what we should do to give our children a planet that's not 'fu**ed up' from our greed!
Popcorn and Hamburger watching, no thinker, nothing changer, only the usual Hollywoodish deflection/distraction, ... 'till the next bag of Popcorns, nothing changing than just making the audience a few ounces FATTER and even dumber... poor humanity...
Popcorn and Hamburger watching, no thinker, nothing changer, only the usual Hollywoodish deflection/distraction, ... 'till the next bag of Popcorns, nothing changing than just making the audience a few ounces FATTER and even dumber... poor humanity...