Pretty amusing flick involving mystery and some emotional twist. I noticed some great directing, camera work and very good acting in it. Casting was excellent, great selection. What I also found interesting is a topic of this drama and that are German retributions for guerilla actions in occupied Europe. Severity and amount of those crimes are diminished in this movie because we are talking about millions of civilians shot and not hundred thousands like director suggests at the end. This movie brings shooting of the Italian civilians in ratio 10 for 1 which means ten Italian civilians for one German soldier killed by the partisans while in my country was 100:1. So only in my country hundreds of thousands were killed in those retributions and have to say that Serbia is a pretty small country so you've got a picture (imagine the situation in Poland and USSR). I live by one of the spots were Germans were shooting those civilians. Name of that place is Jajinci (you can google it) and only here 80.000 people were shot. And there are a lot of spots like that in today Serbia and all the way around. In city of Kragujevac Germans couldn't gather enough civilians to shoot for the retaliation that day so they emptied the schools and shot the kids. They were shooting for three days on that October of 1941 as they couldn't kill them all in one day.