This amusing but odd science fiction film opens in outer space and ends up back on Earth 200 years after it's been decimated by a bunch of meteors, and the earthlings who either survived or went into suspended animation or were cloned live as if they are either Roman citizens or cavemen or something out of a Central American jungle community. With a cast led by John saxon, Kathleen Miller, Keene Curtis and James Olsen, this film has multiple genres attached to it outside of basic science fiction, and seems to have been influenced by other films both on the big and small screen around the same time in putting together its very strange story. You'll want to break into a retitle version of "Sendi in the Clowns" when Olsen reveals how Earth's population keeps replenishing itself, and Curtis has a very interesting description of the coffee they drink. The good guys often become the bad guys and vice-versa, and clearly it's about survival for some while morality for others has them judging those who want to just keep Earth moving and return to some sort of order.
But a lot of the elements of the film are unintentionally comic, and there are parts where the film drags as it goes from one structural flow to another. Miller is accused by some cavemen like humans of breaking their laws that concern their treatment of the wild animals they coexist with, and for those afraid of snakes, there are several sequences that utilize various breeds of varying sizes. It's not a hideous film but just one that never settles to one direction to head in, but I guess if you're living on a planet that's been recovering from Destruction for several centuries, I guess you'd be living in a misdirected world as well. Strange and perplexing, often wonderful and thought-provoking, but at the end, all I could think of was that this ended in a way that ripped off "Planet of the Apes".
But a lot of the elements of the film are unintentionally comic, and there are parts where the film drags as it goes from one structural flow to another. Miller is accused by some cavemen like humans of breaking their laws that concern their treatment of the wild animals they coexist with, and for those afraid of snakes, there are several sequences that utilize various breeds of varying sizes. It's not a hideous film but just one that never settles to one direction to head in, but I guess if you're living on a planet that's been recovering from Destruction for several centuries, I guess you'd be living in a misdirected world as well. Strange and perplexing, often wonderful and thought-provoking, but at the end, all I could think of was that this ended in a way that ripped off "Planet of the Apes".