The Roundup (2022)
Now that's an action flick.
22 May 2022
I would like to note that I've been up on Don Lee for a minute. Ever snice I saw Champion (quite literally a Korean adaption of Over the Top), and before he did the Eternals, which unfortunately, was not the movie to introduce the Train to Busan star to American audiences.

My man is going for a Slyvester Stallone style here. For me as an American it's very much a though back to 80s and 90s action movies, before the Kenau Reeves era. He's so tough, that he's got a bad ass guitar riff score he enters all his coolest scenes to.

The action is raw and brutal, like we kind of expect from a Korean film. These guys don't shy away from the violence. Plus, it's a good and gritty police drama at its core. I had so much fun seeing it in theatres man!

Plus, I discovered it's a Sequel to another movie! I got to see that now!!
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