The premise is of the not particularly innovative but still very interesting and potentially suspenseful kind, there are plenty of good B-films and am somebody who has always liked this genre. Was very interested in seeing how an actor who usually did character supporting roles would fare in a gritty lead role, which is the case with Steven Geray. Joseph H Lewis doesn't get enough credit today in my view and many of his films are well worth watching and more.
'So Dark the Night' is not a great film or one of Lewis' best films, but it is a good one and worth watching. Not perfect, but it is another shamefully neglected film and like its director it doesn't get enough credit. Some may find the premise mundane on paper (not me), but somehow it is executed in a way that is more exciting and professional than it initially appears. So much more than a typical B movie. Which was a general strength actually of Lewis' films.
It is hindered a little by its budget, with moments where there is a rushed look and the sets are less than evocative.
Did also find the ending rather improbable and the film a bit of a slow starter.
However, a lot works in 'So Dark the Night's' favour. The acting is very good, Geray carries the lead role very well. Was worried that such a gritty lead role would be out of his depth but it was great to see a different side to him and pull it off. The rest of the cast are very little known but also come over well in types of role that are seen a lot in similar films but not written in too cliched a manner.
The film also has a good deal of atmosphere. It has a lot of suspense and truly genuine dread, nothing mundane or stagy here. The story is from the very beginning very absorbing and never stops being intriguing, predictability, over-simplicity and confusion are very low on the scale. Was not expecting the twist and it was memorable. Lewis directs imaginatively, clearly knowing what he was doing and making the film closer to near cinematic than mediocre B movie level.
Furthermore, the script is always entertaining, hard boiled and gritty, laden with tension. There is some nice moodiness and skill in the photography and the audio is suitably ominous when needed.
Concluding, well done. 7/10.
'So Dark the Night' is not a great film or one of Lewis' best films, but it is a good one and worth watching. Not perfect, but it is another shamefully neglected film and like its director it doesn't get enough credit. Some may find the premise mundane on paper (not me), but somehow it is executed in a way that is more exciting and professional than it initially appears. So much more than a typical B movie. Which was a general strength actually of Lewis' films.
It is hindered a little by its budget, with moments where there is a rushed look and the sets are less than evocative.
Did also find the ending rather improbable and the film a bit of a slow starter.
However, a lot works in 'So Dark the Night's' favour. The acting is very good, Geray carries the lead role very well. Was worried that such a gritty lead role would be out of his depth but it was great to see a different side to him and pull it off. The rest of the cast are very little known but also come over well in types of role that are seen a lot in similar films but not written in too cliched a manner.
The film also has a good deal of atmosphere. It has a lot of suspense and truly genuine dread, nothing mundane or stagy here. The story is from the very beginning very absorbing and never stops being intriguing, predictability, over-simplicity and confusion are very low on the scale. Was not expecting the twist and it was memorable. Lewis directs imaginatively, clearly knowing what he was doing and making the film closer to near cinematic than mediocre B movie level.
Furthermore, the script is always entertaining, hard boiled and gritty, laden with tension. There is some nice moodiness and skill in the photography and the audio is suitably ominous when needed.
Concluding, well done. 7/10.