This mystery series follows Kirby (Elizabeth Moss, MAD MEN, THE HANDMAID'S TALE) , a survivor of a violent crime, whose life constantly changes around her in odd ways, as she helps the police track down her attacker before he strikes again.
After reading some reviews, I decided to write one of my own, because I feel like this show is being largely misunderstood. The show is slow to reveal new information, because they set the viewer up with a lot right from the get-go. We already know who the attacker is, he's a mysterious serial killer played by Jamie Bell (ROCKETMAN, SNOWPIERCER). What we do not know is how he's doing it, or what exactly he's doing. There appears to be some time-travel element to his killings, and his victims experience some sci-fi after effects.
I am thoroughly enjoying this show so far. Yes, it is slow burn. But it isn't boring, far from it. It feels like a crime-thriller told in reverse, with the attacker known, but the attacks a mystery. It isn't following the typical formula for crime thrillers, but it's trying something original. Very intriguing so far, don't miss out.
After reading some reviews, I decided to write one of my own, because I feel like this show is being largely misunderstood. The show is slow to reveal new information, because they set the viewer up with a lot right from the get-go. We already know who the attacker is, he's a mysterious serial killer played by Jamie Bell (ROCKETMAN, SNOWPIERCER). What we do not know is how he's doing it, or what exactly he's doing. There appears to be some time-travel element to his killings, and his victims experience some sci-fi after effects.
I am thoroughly enjoying this show so far. Yes, it is slow burn. But it isn't boring, far from it. It feels like a crime-thriller told in reverse, with the attacker known, but the attacks a mystery. It isn't following the typical formula for crime thrillers, but it's trying something original. Very intriguing so far, don't miss out.