Review of Revolver

Revolver (2005)
Utter Nonsense
1 May 2022
This movie by Guy Ritchie is his one bad film I've seen so far. And its really bad. I could tell when I first watched it by the unnatural and forced dialogue. I should have turned it off at the beginning but because it is a Guy Ritchie film I gave it a chance.

This film however is perhaps the most incoherent and nonsensical movie ever written. Most of it doesn't make sense. And just so you know, I love movies that make you think, and are mysterious and even confusing, and give you something to figure out. But they have to come together at least by the end. This movie doesn't. It just continues to get more and more nonsensical as the plot unravels more and more. This movie attempts to mind-F you and yet it just comes off as ridiculous BS.

Worst yet is that it is so pretentious and tries to come off like a super intelligent and intellectual film, which it is certainly not. When things are said that are meant to be thought provoking, they don't actually make sense. And again, the writing is terrible. Nothing seems natural or realistic, and yet it is not supposed to be a fantasy film, and there is no explanation as to why nothing is realistic. It just seems kind of silly and dumb.

The directing, cinematography, editing and production are good, which is why I am giving it a 2 and not a 1. But other than that this movie was a frustrating 2 hours of time wasted that I wish I could get back. Especially since I spent my saturday night watching it. An unfortunate fail for Guy Ritchie. Thank god all his other movies are good.
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