A balanced love story
17 June 2022
The first contact between 17-year-old Lena (Linn Reusse) and 24-year-old Eva (Isabel Thierauch) takes place in the middle of the night at the refrigerator. Here Eva is confronted with Lena's quirky sense of humor and Lena with the fact that Eva is the new flirt of her brother Jonas. Right from the start, the two women get along well and Eva is a regular guest in the harmonic home of Jonas, Lena, and their single father. But one day, when Jonas accidentally forgets a meeting with eva, the two women go off on their own to do something together. And out of the blue, Eva kisses Lena. Though Eva has a difficult relationship with her own feelings, as it soon turns out. So poor Lena is thrown into even greater emotional chaos ...

Between Summer and Fall is a beautiful film, there's no other way to put it. It is one of those films that you can watch on a dark, rainy afternoon to warm your soul and yet it is almost entirely free of kitsch and exaggeration. Instead, it develops wrapped in a special tenderness, a simple but fine sense for the dimensions of its story. That makes for its special charm.

Part of this charm, for me, is the performance of Thomas Wolff, who plays the father of Lena and Jonas, in a warm and good-natured. I would like to be such a well-balanced, friendly person, that's what I keep thinking when I watch the film. I could watch him play this role for hours.

But Linn Reusse and Isabel Thierauch also play their roles well. The attraction between them is quite believable. The character of Eva is a bit too edgy, the role of Lena a bit too vague, but because of the combination, both single factors don't stand out that much.

Go to bestlesbianmoviesever dot com for the rest of the review.
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