This film is life imitating art. Horace Ové did a wonderful job working with so very little to deliver a film which has aged remarkably well. However, few today know this film and even fewer know his name. Directors like Mike Leigh were celebrated in the late 80s / early 90s for their gritty portrayal of a snapshot of working class London life. Yet here in 1976 Ové did it first and never received much recognition for it. In very true to Spike Lee way before there even was a Spike Lee, Pressure has no ending. In 1976 there simply was no ending. Our protagonist, blessed with brains and O-levels comes to the realisation that both black and white are trapped in the same system. Maybe the whites are even worse off as they don't realise that they trapped. Tony's Red-Pill moment is profound - however, its 1976 and it wont help him get a decent job, or lesson the brutality and hardships that he will face simply due to the colour of his skin. Watching this 46 years the future there still isn't really an ending.