Because that's what this thing is, an unnecessary sequel that tries to shake the episodic formula both the OAVs and the previous series had by introducing...a snooze-inducing plotline about a conspiration trying to achieve immortality (yaaaaawhn) that is slowly reduced to a quest that goes from point A to point B to point C (double yaaaawhn) while our favourite scarred doctor slowly transforms into a Schwarznegger of sorts. Also, behaviours by the titular character never seen before in all the medias produced before this appear for no discernible reason. It was so boring that I could not finish it, while I watched the previous 65-episodes series with movies and specials included without being bored once. Easily the worst product with the Black Jack name slapped on it but hey, at least the first episodes in which they show you how Kuro Hazama lost his license retroactively makes the 2012 prequel (that I won't watch) completely redundant, so I don't understand why they even bothered to begin with.