Well done documentary that stops short of whole truth
22 July 2022
I don't really understand why a dead body matters.. it's the soul or spirit that matters and if they just asked people to donate their body to help others this wouldn't be a problem .. But unfortunately the entire system runs on greed because big pharma doesn't try to prevent or cure problems like cancer. They only do the minimum because the cure isn't as profitable. Cancer treatments are a joke. Chemo and radiation is not the right way to cure cancer but as long as they make billions they don't care because it's always profit over people. They have to make shareholders and the company more and more money, it's by design. They treat symptoms poorly and cause other problems and say here's more medicine for that problem..Greed is so prevalent in everything not just the medical system. The war economy is created by starting wars by false flags and propaganda because the military industrial complex needs to sell weapons.. to BOTH sides, and the banks fund these countries to continue the massacres and genocide.. The money system is the ruination of mankind and it won't stop until people either lose their greed.. not likely, or the money system is abolished forever.
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