Review of Outlaws

Outlaws (2017)
Brother(s) of Anarchy
5 July 2022
No pun intended and you could also say Siblings of Anarchy, but of course in this case it is about brothers (in arms). The German title even going that route too and making it easy for people to associate it with Sons of Anarchy - very smart marketing wise.

Of course anything with biker gangs stands to be compared with the really amazing and succesful tv show. For those who haven't seen it, the movies might work a bit better. For those who have ... well they have seen in fights and other stuff in a broader and better fashion alltogether.

That being said and while this is rather male dominated, it has its standout females too. And they play a major role - like Abby Lee. As beautiful as ever, as dangerous as always. One may call her trouble - and one may not be too wrong. On the other hand, everyne has their motivation and moral anchor, so there is that. Which one will you attach yourself to?
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