Review of Razvedchitsy

Razvedchitsy (2013)
Worth watching
6 July 2022
If you are interested in historical drama, old school spy craft, Soviet culture, Russian architecture, Eastern European history and WWII, this series is well worth watching. It is a real shame that it was canned after 3 series.

I watched this in 2022 seeking an antidote to the Russo-phobia campaign promoted by the western media during the NATO-Russia war, which NATO seems to be loosing despite layers of grease paint.

For a sort of a soapy, it worked remarkably well.

The directing, writing, acting, cinematography, locations and the attention to detail in the sets and settings are spellbinding.

For a western English speaking audience the subtitles are a bit frustrating - it is evident that so much is lost in translation. Still, grateful thanks to the subtitle editors who made this fine work addressable to a non-Russian speaker.
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