Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Season One: Excellent. Season 2: OMG, what happened?
8 July 2022
I won't bother mentioning any plot details from the first two sesons, as so many other reviewrs have done this well.

Simply put: Season one was excellent TV. A bit slow, but cerebral, involving, and rewarding.

Season 2: I forced myself to watch the first 5 episodes, in total astonishment / disbelief. And that's it, I'm outa' here. What the heck were they thinking?

They took a series that appealed strongly to intellectual viewers, and turned it into a completely absurd / non believable sci fi plot. - And an incredibly boring one at that.

I don't know if season 3 is good or not, but I'm not planning to find out. I'd rather do my taxes, or my laundry, or weed the garden......

Dear M. M. writers: I don't need my intelligence insulted yet again. I've already seen Game of Thrones season 8 & Killing Eve season three.

I hear that Home Depot is hiring. Perhaps you guys should apply.
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